Cape Mental Health Jobs 2020 for Field Social Worker

Cape Mental Health Jobs 2020 for Field Social Worker available. See details below on how to apply for the position of a   Field Social Worker in Cape Mental Health.

Cape Mental Health is a Non-Profit Organisation that offers a comprehensive Mental Health Service in the Cape Peninsula.

Job Title: Field Social Worker
Location: Cape Town District
Employment Type: full-time

 Applicants should be:

  • Registered Social Worker with SACSSP
  • In possession of a valid Manual Driver’s Licence
  • Proficient in English and Afrikaans
  • Have experience in working with psychosocial disability
  • Able to work in all three methods

To apply

Please email or fax applications, including the relevant personal documentation to JENNY BESTER at:

Fax: 021 4488475

Application Deadline: Friday, 11 December, 2020

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