TVET Colleges Minimum Requirements 2023/2024

TVET Colleges focus on vocational and occupational education and training with (the) aim of preparing students to work effectively in a trade.

As a way to assess students for admission into TVET college, there are a set of requirements. In this article, we will cover the minimum requirements for admission into TVET colleges in South Africa. This means that the specific college you are applying to may require more.

TVET is a planned program of courses and learning, experiences that begin with the exploration of career options.

Matric Requirements

You do not need Matric to study at a TVET college.

TVET Colleges Minimum Requirements

You only need to have a Grade 9 Certificate. However, if you do have a Matric Certificate, you can still study in a TVET college in South Africa.

Further requirements include:

  1. Be at least 16 years or older
  2. NC(V): Have a Grade 9 Qualification or ABET level 4 certificate
  3. Report 191 NATED: Have a matric certificate or be completing matric

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